About Us

Who are the Friends of the Library?

The Friends of the Portland Library (FPL) is a volunteer-based, non-profit organization of people interested in quality library service.

What do the Friends of the Library do?

The Friends promote the Portland Library in the community and support the Library in its efforts to offer quality facilities, services and programs. The Friends raise funds through membership dues, book sales and fundraising events. These funds are used to purchase materials, services and equipment for the Library. The Friends also sponsor programs, fund the museum passes, publish periodic newsletters and offer culturally enriching programs and opportunities for the residents of Portland.

What is the Friends Executive Board?

The Executive Board is the Friends’ governing body. It is made up of the officers of the Friends, committee chairs and other volunteers. The Executive Board meets monthly at the Library. The Library Director serves as an ex-officio member of the Friends Executive Board.

Who can belong to the Friends?

Any person can join the Friends by paying the annual dues. The Friends hold an annual meeting each spring at which the officers of the Friends are elected.

Who are the current officers of the Friends of the Portland Library?

Monica Jensen, President
Mary Margaret Coffield, Vice President
Marilyn Hill
, Secretary
Alison Harris, Treasurer


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