Artist Receptions
The Library’s Mary Flood Room not only serves as the main venue for Town meetings and community groups, but also as the home of art shows by talented local artists. Recent shows include works by members of Brownstone Arts (a local artists’ group), the photographer Carolyn Astle and local watercolorist Richard Raicik.
FPL sponsors an Artist Reception for each art show. Beverages and homemade baked goods are always served.
Scheduled Art Exhibits for 2012
March and April: Portland Schools Student artwork. Reception will be held on Thursday, March 8th
Please check the Rivereast News Bulletin for information regarding featured artists and reception dates.
Area artists interested in exhibiting their artwork in the Mary Flood Room are invited to contact Amy Giveans at the Portland Library at 860-342-6773.
Family Shakespeare
For the past three years, FPL has served as the organizing sponsor of Family Shakespeare, a program that brings a professional Shakespeare production to Portland each August.
On August 29, 2009, The Flock Theater of New London, CT performed Romeo and Juliet.
On August 28, 2010, The New England Shakespeare Company performed Twelfth Night.
On August 6, 2011, The New England Shakespeare Company performed Measure for Measure.
Many thanks to Portland resident David Rintoul for the countless hours he spent raising money for this event and organizing every detail. Thanks also to the many Portland businesses that supported this program. FPL looks forward to working with David and town businesses to bring another Shakespeare production to Portland in 2012.