Friends of the Portland Library Loses Entire Book Collection in Flood
Recycled Book Collection Sales Are Major Source of Revenue to Support Library Programs.
As a result of last Friday’s torrential rains, the room in Brownstone Intermediate School where the Friends of the Portland Library (FPL) store their donated books, DVDs and CDs was under more than two feet of water. FPL’s entire inventory of donated materials (approximately 175 boxes) had to be discarded because of water and mold damage.
FPL sells the books and other donated items as part of their year-round fundraising efforts to support the Portland Library programs and services. The book sales account for almost 25% of FPL’s fund-raising efforts every year.
Money raised by the non-profit Friends organization pays for
· The Library’s entire DVD collection;
· The Children’s, Teen and Adult Summer Reading Programs;
· The Museum Pass Program;
· Special events and programs for children and families throughout the year;
· The Artist Receptions held at the Library;
· The purchase of computers, software, reference materials and equipment for the Library;
· The purchase of books for holiday gift baskets given to needy Portland families; and
· The Books for Babies Program.
In an effort to rebuild the supply of donated materials, FPL will hold three special “Read and Recycle” sessions at the Portland Library on the last Saturday in July, August and September. On July 30, August 27 and September 24, from 10 AM until 2PM, Friends will be on hand to collect donations of gently-used books, puzzles, DVDs, CDs, videos and cassettes. FPL is asking Portland residents to participate in the book drive so that FPL can continue to support the special Library programs used by so many Portland families.