Welcome Friends of the Portland Library
The Friends of the Portland Library proudly support and promote the Portland Library by informing town residents of resources and services the Library provides; by securing materials and sponsoring special projects for the Library; and, by encouraging donations to enhance cultural and educational opportunities afforded to the residents of Portland through the Library.
Books for Babies
It’s never too early for children to learn the joy of books! The Friends want to give every new Portland baby a free “Books for Babies” kit. Each kit contains:
Touch and Feel Board Book
Baby’s First Library Card
Books for Babies brochure with Reading Tips
Raising a Reader, Raising a Writer brochure
Babies Love Books: a Guide for Grown-ups brochure
Bookmark with Reading Tips
To receive a free “Books for Babies” kit, please contact Marilyn at atwmsw@sbcglobal.net
Romance Book Sale
"Love is in the air" at the Portland Library
during the month of February
Paperbacks 4 for $1.00
Hardcover $1.00 each
All romance books will be marked with a colored dot on the book spine.
Next Read & Recycle Collection
Saturday, March 28, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Portland Library - Mary Flood Room
FPL welcomes donations of gently-used books, DVDs,
FPL has "I Love CT Libraries" reusable bags on sale for $1.00 each. Purchase a bag to show your support for Connecticut Libraries and reduce your use of plastic bags. See a sample at the front desk and purchase them from the library staff.
2020 Membership Drive in Progress
Please support the Portland Library by joining the FPL or renewing your membership.
FPL's Annual Fall Book Sale
October 16 - 18, 2020
Thank you to the many volunteers and book sale patrons who helped make last year's sale such a success.